I had a chance to go to my favorite geeky chocolate shop today AKA The Truffle Cottage. They are always creating new kinds for upcoming movies and other events like comic book conventions. I was delighted to see some dinosaur chocolates when I visited their page on Facebook just in time for the opening of Jurassic World. I don’t know yet when I will get a chance to see the movie (such is life with a toddler sometimes) but it should be a fun adventure. Chris Pratt is kinda hot, too 😉 I have read some of the books in the Jurassic Park series as well as some of the movies. I think I missed # 3 somehow. We were at my parents’ house the other day and there was a marathon of those movies going on. Was Miss ZZ scared? Nope; she was smiling, talking and waving to the dinosaurs, even at some points when the carnivorous ones were being ferocious. Silly girl. I decided on the spur of the moment today that it would be the perfect time to give away an assortment of them on my blog. You could win:
Maybe some of these:
These look pretty cute:
One lucky winner will win an assortment of dinosaur chocolates made by The Truffle Cottage. It could be you if you enter below! Ends 6/26/15 at 11:59 MST. Disclaimer: US and Canada residents 13+ may enter. Void where prohibited. This giveaway is not sponsored by or otherwise affiliated with Jurassic World, Universal Pictures or any other company associated with this movie. Jurassic World Giveaway – Dinosaur Chocolates

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Oh my gosh! Dinosaurs and chocolate, two of my favorite things! 😀
Brontosaurus Dinosaurs are my favorite. They’re big but not as scary as the t-rex.
Oviraptor is my favorite. I also like ankylosaurus.
It was the T-rex, but I heard recently that they took the rex away and now he’s just T. So I think I like longnecks now instead 😉
My favorite is Triceratops.
My favorite dinosaur is the Pteranodon. Flying dinosaurs are so cool
My favorite dinosaur is Velociraptor.
Too bad the dinosaur chocolates aren’t life size.
I love dinosaurs and I love chocolate <3 These are fantastic! Utahraptors are the best. And I have a soft spot for the beautiful parasaurolophus and the goofy therizinosaurus.
I also like Triceratops.
Love the Truffle Cottage! These look delish!
My favorite dinosaur are the Raptors
I love triceratops.
I like the Brontosaurus.
Raptors are really the coolest-very smart.
T Rex is my favorite kind of dinosaur.
The Brontosaurus is my favorite.
I like the raptors!
I love stegosaurus dinosaurs.
My favorite kind of dinosaur is the Archaeopteryx.
I like the trex and the spinosaurus
The brontosaurus is my favorite, although I know they have changed the name to something else in the past several years.
I’m going to go with the chocolate kind
Stegosaurus! They even found one around here once 🙂
My favorite kind of dinosaur is T-Rex